1. Background to the establishment of Development Boards
a. Article 371(2)
b. Presidential Order dated 9th March 1994
c. Development Boards Order, 1994
d. Development Board Rules, 1994
2. Special Responsibility of the Governor
3. Presentation on the Scheme of Statutory Development Boards in Maharashtra
4. Some important achievements of the Scheme of the Development Boards
5. Activities of the Development Boards
6. Some achievements of the Boards
7. Background Note on Directives
8. Governor's Directives 2008-09
9. Governor's Directives from 2002-03
10. Directives for Irrigation Sector 2009-10
11. Directives for other backlog sectors 2009-10
12. Governor's Directives 2010-11
13. Governor's Directives 2011-12
14. Standing Orders
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